API Docs for: 0.5.5

File: kick/scene/Component.js

define([], function () {
    "use strict";

     * This class only specifies the interface of a component.
     * @namespace kick.scene
     * @class Component

     * The gameObject owning the component. Initially undefined. The value is set when the Component object is added
     * to a GameObject
     * @property gameObject
     * @type kick.scene.GameObject

     * Abstract method called when a component is added to scene. May be undefined. <br>
     * This method method works in many cases like a constructor function, where references to other game objects can
     * be looked up (this cannot be done when the actual constructor function is called, since the scene may not be
     * loaded completely).<br>
     * Note that activated are called just after update methods on all components has been called - this makes it easier
     * to get references to other components.
     * @method activated

     * Abstract method called when a component is removed from scene. May be undefined.
     * @method deactivated

     * Abstract method called every at every rendering of the object. May be undefined.
     * @method render
     * @param {kick.scene.EngineUniforms} engineUniforms
     * @param {kick.material.Material} [overwriteMaterial]

     * Components with largest priority are invoked first. (optional - default 0). Cannot be modified after creation.
     * @property scriptPriority
     * @type Number

     * Defines the axis aligned bounding box used for view frustum culling
     * May be undefined or null.
     * @property aabb
     * @type kick.math.Aabb

     * Default value is 1000<br>
     * &lt; 1999 default geometry<br>
     * 1999 skybox<br>
     * 2001 - 2999 transparent geometry (sorted back-to-front when rendered)<br>
     * &gt; 3000 overlay geometry rendered on top
     * @property renderOrder
     * @type Number

     * Optional name of the component type.
     * If specified, the component can be accessed directly from the gameObject.
     * If multiple components with same component type is added to the same gameObject, the access through gameObject is undefined
     * @example
     *      // kick.scene.Transform has the type 'transform'
     *      var transform = gameObject.transform;
     * @property componentType
     * @type String
     * @final

     * Abstract method called every update. May be undefined.
     * @method update

     * Fire events when components are updated.
     * May be undefined.
     * Must be defined before adding to gameObject.
     * @event componentUpdated
     * @param {kick.scene.Component} component

     * Creates a JSON version of the configuration of the class. May be undefined, if so the
     * kick.core.Util.componentToJSON() are used for serializing of the component.<br>
     * Note that references to assets, gameObjects or other components should be wrapped by the kick.core.Util.getJSONReference() method
     * @method toJSON
     * @return {Object}
    return {};