API Docs for: 0.5.5

File: kick/scene/Camera.js

define(["kick/core/Constants", "kick/core/Util", "kick/math/Quat", "kick/math/Mat4", "kick/math/Vec4", "kick/math/Vec3", "kick/math/Aabb", "kick/math/Frustum", "./EngineUniforms", "./CameraPicking", "kick/material/Material", "kick/texture/RenderTexture", "kick/core/EngineSingleton", "kick/core/Observable"],
    function (Constants, Util, Quat, Mat4, Vec4, Vec3, Aabb, Frustum, EngineUniforms, CameraPicking, Material, RenderTexture, EngineSingleton, Observable) {
        "use strict";

         * @module kick.scene

        var DEBUG = Constants._DEBUG,
            ASSERT = Constants._ASSERT,

         * Creates a game camera
         * @example
         *     // create a game object in [0,0,0] facing down the -z axis
         *     var cameraObject = engine.activeScene.createGameObject();
         *     cameraObject.transform.position = [0,0,5];
         *     // create a orthographic camera
         *     var camera = new kick.scene.Camera({
         *          perspective: false,
         *          left:-5,
         *          right:5,
         *          top:5,
         *          bottom:-5
         *     });
         *     cameraObject.addComponent(camera);
         * @class Camera
         * @namespace kick.scene
         * @extends kick.scene.Component
         * @constructor
         * @param {Config} configuration with same properties as the Camera
        Camera = function (config) {
            var gl,
                thisObj = this,
                engine = EngineSingleton.engine,
                _enabled = true,
                c = Constants,
                _renderShadow = false,
                _renderTarget = null,
                _fieldOfView = 60 * Constants._DEGREE_TO_RADIAN,
                _near = 0.1,
                _far = 1000,
                _left = -1,
                _right = 1,
                _bottom = -1,
                _top = 1,
                _clearColor = Vec4.clone([0, 0, 0, 1]),
                _shadowmapClearColor = Vec4.clone([1, 1, 1, 1]),
                _perspective = true,
                _clearFlagColor = true,
                _clearFlagDepth = true,
                _replacementMaterial = null,
                _cameraIndex = 1,
                _layerMask = 0xffffffff,
                pickingObject = null,
                projectionMatrix = Mat4.create(),
                viewMatrix = Mat4.create(),
                viewProjectionMatrix = Mat4.create(),
                lightMatrix = Mat4.create(),
                engineUniforms = new EngineUniforms({
                    viewMatrix: viewMatrix,
                    projectionMatrix: projectionMatrix,
                    viewProjectionMatrix: viewProjectionMatrix,
                    lightMatrix: lightMatrix,
                    currentCamera: thisObj,
                    currentCameraTransform: null
                isContextListenerRegistered = false,
                contextLost = function () {
                    gl = null;
                contextRestored = function (newGL) {
                    gl = newGL;
                renderableComponentsBackGroundAndGeometry = [],
                renderableComponentsTransparent = [],
                renderableComponentsOverlay = [],
                renderableComponentsArray = [renderableComponentsBackGroundAndGeometry, renderableComponentsTransparent, renderableComponentsOverlay],
                _normalizedViewportRect = Vec4.clone([0, 0, 1, 1]),
                offsetMatrix = Mat4.clone([
                    0.5, 0, 0, 0,
                    0, 0.5, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 0.5, 0,
                    0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1
                isNumber = function (o) {
                    return typeof o === "number";
                isBoolean = function (o) {
                    return typeof o === "boolean";
                computeClearFlag = function () {
                    _currentClearFlags = (_clearFlagColor ? c.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT : 0) | (_clearFlagDepth ? c.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT : 0);
                setupClearColor = function (color) {
                    if (glState.currentClearColor !== color) {
                        glState.currentClearColor = color;
                        gl.clearColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
                assertNumber = function (newValue, name) {
                    if (!isNumber(newValue)) {
                        Util.fail("Camera." + name + " must be number");
                setupViewport = function (offsetX, offsetY, width, height) {
                    gl.viewport(offsetX, offsetY, width, height);
                    gl.scissor(offsetX, offsetY, width, height);
                 * Compare two objects based on renderOrder value, then on material.shader.uid (if exist)
                 * and finally on mesh.
                 * @method compareRenderOrder
                 * @param {Component} a
                 * @param {Component} b
                 * @return Number
                 * @private
                compareRenderOrder = function (a, b) {
                    var aRenderOrder = a.renderOrder || 1000,
                        bRenderOrder = b.renderOrder || 1000,
                        getMeshShaderUid = function (o, defaultValue) {
                            var names = ["material", "shader", "uid"],
                            for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                                o = o[names[i]];
                                if (!o) {
                                    if (DEBUG) {
                                        Util.warn("Cannot find uid of " + o);
                                    return defaultValue;
                            return o;
                    getMeshUid = function (o, defaultValue) {
                        return o.mesh.uid || defaultValue;
                    if (aRenderOrder === bRenderOrder && a.material && b.material) {
                        aRenderOrder = getMeshShaderUid(a, aRenderOrder);
                        bRenderOrder = getMeshShaderUid(b, aRenderOrder);
                    if (aRenderOrder === bRenderOrder && a.mesh && b.mesh) {
                        aRenderOrder = getMeshUid(a, aRenderOrder);
                        bRenderOrder = getMeshUid(b, aRenderOrder);
                    return aRenderOrder - bRenderOrder;
                sortTransparentBackToFront = function () {
                    // calculate distances
                    var temp = Vec3.create(),
                        cameraPosition = transform.position,
                    for (i = renderableComponentsTransparent.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        object = renderableComponentsTransparent[i];
                        objectPosition = object.gameObject.transform.position;
                        object.distanceToCamera = Vec3.squaredLength(Vec3.subtract(temp, objectPosition, cameraPosition));
                    function compareDistanceToCamera(a, b) {
                        return b.distanceToCamera - a.distanceToCamera;
                 * @method renderSceneObjects
                 * @param sceneLightObj
                 * @param shader
                 * @private
                renderSceneObjects = (function () {
                    var aabbWorldSpace = Aabb.create(),
                        frustumPlanes = new Float32Array(24);
                    return function (sceneLightObj, replacementMaterial) {
                        var cullByViewFrustum = function (component) {
                                var componentAabb = component.aabb,
                                    gameObject = component.gameObject;
                                if (componentAabb && gameObject) {
                                    Aabb.transform(aabbWorldSpace, componentAabb, gameObject.transform.getGlobalMatrix());
                                    return Frustum.intersectAabb(frustumPlanes, aabbWorldSpace) === Frustum.OUTSIDE;
                                return false;
                            render = function (renderableComponents) {
                                var length = renderableComponents.length,
                                for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
                                    renderableComponent = renderableComponents[j];
                                    if (!cullByViewFrustum(renderableComponent)) {
                                        renderableComponent.render(engineUniforms, replacementMaterial);
                        // update frustum planes
                        Frustum.extractPlanes(frustumPlanes, engineUniforms.viewProjectionMatrix, false);
                        engineUniforms.sceneLights = sceneLightObj;
                renderShadowMap = function (sceneLightObj) {
                    var directionalLight = sceneLightObj.directionalLight,
                        directionalLightTransform = directionalLight.gameObject.transform,
                        shadowRenderTexture = directionalLight.shadowRenderTexture,
                        renderTextureDimension = shadowRenderTexture.dimension,
                        renderTextureWidth = renderTextureDimension[0],
                        renderTextureHeight = renderTextureDimension[1],
                        transformedOffsetFromCamera = Vec3.create(),
                        cameraPosition = Vec3.create();
                    setupViewport(0, 0, renderTextureWidth, renderTextureHeight);

                    gl.clear(c.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | c.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

                    // fitting:
                    // Using a sphere with the center in front of the camera (based on 0.5 * engine.config.shadowDistance)
                    // The actual light volume is a bit larger than the sphere (to include the corners).
                    // The near plane of the light volume is extended by the engine.config.shadowNearMultiplier
                    // Note that this is a very basic fitting algorithm with rooms for improvement
                    Mat4.copy(projectionMatrix, shadowLightProjection);

                    // find the position of the light 'center' in world space
                    transformedOffsetFromCamera = Quat.multiplyVec3(transformedOffsetFromCamera, transform.rotation, [0, 0, -shadowLightOffsetFromCamera]);
                    cameraPosition = Vec3.add(cameraPosition, transformedOffsetFromCamera, transform.position);
                    // adjust to reduce flicker when rotating camera
                    cameraPosition[0] = Math.round(cameraPosition[0]);
                    cameraPosition[1] = Math.round(cameraPosition[1]);
                    cameraPosition[2] = Math.round(cameraPosition[2]);

                    Mat4.setTRSInverse(viewMatrix, cameraPosition, directionalLightTransform.localRotation, [1, 1, 1]);

                    Mat4.multiply(viewProjectionMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix);

                    // update light matrix (will be used when scene is rendering with shadow map shader)
                    Mat4.multiply(lightMatrix, Mat4.multiply(lightMatrix, offsetMatrix, projectionMatrix), viewMatrix);

                    renderSceneObjects(sceneLightObj, _shadowmapMaterial);

                 * Add components that implements the render function and match the camera layerMask to cameras renderable components
                 * @method componentAdded
                 * @param {kick.scene.Component} component
                 * @private
                componentAdded = function (component) {
                    var renderOrder,
                    if (ASSERT){
                        if (Array.isArray(component)){
                            Util.fail("Should be array");
                    if (typeof component.render === "function" && (component.gameObject.layer & _layerMask)) {
                        renderOrder = component.renderOrder || 1000;
                        if (renderOrder < 2000) {
                            array = renderableComponentsBackGroundAndGeometry;
                        } else if (renderOrder >= 3000) {
                            array = renderableComponentsOverlay;
                        } else {
                            array = renderableComponentsTransparent;
                        if (!Util.contains(array, component)) {
                            Util.insertSorted(component, array, compareRenderOrder);
                            if (component.addEventListener) {
                                component.addEventListener('componentUpdated', componentUpdated);

                 * @method componentRemoved
                 * @param {kick.scene.Component} component
                 * @return {Boolean}
                 * @private
                componentRemoved = function (component) {
                    var removed = false,
                    if (ASSERT){
                        if (Array.isArray(component)){
                            Util.fail("Should be array");
                    if (typeof (component.render) === "function") {
                        for (j = renderableComponentsArray.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                            removed |= Util.removeElementFromArray(renderableComponentsArray[j], component);
                    if (removed) {
                        if (component.removeEventListener){
                            component.removeEventListener('componentUpdated', componentUpdated);
                    return removed;
                componentUpdated = function (component) {
                initShadowMap = function(){
                    var shadowRadius,

                    _shadowmapShader = engine.project.load(engine.project.ENGINE_SHADER___SHADOWMAP);
                    materialConfig = {
                        name: "Shadow map material",
                        shader: _shadowmapShader
                    _shadowmapMaterial = new Material(materialConfig);

                    // calculate the shadow projection based on engine.config parameters
                    shadowLightOffsetFromCamera = engine.config.shadowDistance * 0.5; // first find radius
                    shadowRadius = shadowLightOffsetFromCamera * 1.55377397403004; // sqrt(2+sqrt(2))
                    nearPlanePosition = -shadowRadius * engine.config.shadowNearMultiplier;
                    shadowLightProjection = Mat4.create();
                    Mat4.ortho(shadowLightProjection, -shadowRadius, shadowRadius, -shadowRadius, shadowRadius,
                        nearPlanePosition, shadowRadius);

             * Schedules a camera picking session. During next repaint a picking session is done. If the pick hits some
             * game objects, then a callback is added to the event queue (and will run in next frame). The pickObject can
             * be used for getting UV coordinate for the point (if available)
             * @method pickPoint
             * @param {function} gameObjectPickedFn callback function with the signature function(pickObject)
             * @param {Number} x coordinate in screen coordinates (between 0 and canvas width - 1)
             * @param {Number} y coordinate in screen coordinates (between 0 and canvas height - 1)
            this.pickPoint = function (gameObjectPickedFn, x, y) {
                if (!pickingObject) {
                    pickingObject = new CameraPicking(setupClearColor, renderSceneObjects, _scene, thisObj);
                    gameObjectPickedFn: gameObjectPickedFn,
                    x: x,
                    y: glState.viewportSize[1] - y,
                    width: 1,
                    height: 1,
                    point: true

             * Schedules a camera picking session. During next repaint a picking session is done. If the pick hits some
             * game objects, then a callback is added to the event queue (and will run in next frame).
             * Note since the WebGL window coordinate has the origin in the lower left corner and browsers coordinate
             * system has the origin in the upper left corner, you may need to compute y as canvas.height - mouseCoordinate.y
             * @method pick
             * @param {function} gameObjectPickedFn callback function with the signature function(gameObject, hitCount)
             * @param {Number} x coordinate in screen coordinates (between 0 and canvas width - 1)
             * @param {Number} y coordinate in screen coordinates (between 0 and canvas height - 1)
             * @param {Number} [width=1]
             * @param {Number} [height=1]
            this.pick = function (gameObjectPickedFn, x, y, width, height) {
                width = width || 1;
                height = height || 1;
                if (!pickingObject) {
                    pickingObject = new CameraPicking(setupClearColor, renderSceneObjects, _scene);
                    gameObjectPickedFn: gameObjectPickedFn,
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    width: width,
                    height: height

            Observable.call(this, [
             * Fired every frame when camera render is done
             * @event postRender
             * @param {kick.scene.Camera} camera

             * Clear the screen and set the projectionMatrix and modelViewMatrix on the glState object.
             * Called during renderScene
             * @method setupCamera
            this.setupCamera = function () {
                var viewportDimension = _renderTarget ? _renderTarget.dimension : glState.viewportSize,
                    viewPortWidth = viewportDimension[0],
                    viewPortHeight = viewportDimension[1],
                    offsetX = viewPortWidth * _normalizedViewportRect[0],
                    offsetY = viewPortHeight * _normalizedViewportRect[1],
                    width = viewPortWidth * _normalizedViewportRect[2],
                    height = viewPortHeight * _normalizedViewportRect[3],
                setupViewport(offsetX, offsetY, width, height);
                glState.currentMaterial = null; // clear current material


                if (_perspective) {
                    Mat4.perspective(projectionMatrix, _fieldOfView, width / height,
                        _near, _far);
                } else {
                    Mat4.ortho(projectionMatrix, _left, _right, _bottom, _top,
                        _near, _far);

                globalMatrixInv = transform.getGlobalTRSInverse();
                Mat4.copy(viewMatrix, globalMatrixInv);

                Mat4.multiply(viewProjectionMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix);


             * Handles the camera setup (get fast reference to transform and glcontext).
             * Also register component listener on scene
             * @method activated
            this.activated = function () {
                var gameObject = this.gameObject,
                engineUniforms.currentCameraTransform = gameObject.transform;
                if (!isContextListenerRegistered) {
                    isContextListenerRegistered = true;
                    engine.addEventListener('contextLost', contextLost);
                    engine.addEventListener('contextRestored', contextRestored);
                transform = gameObject.transform;
                gl = engine.gl;
                glState = engine.glState;
                _scene = gameObject.scene;
                renderableComponentsBackGroundAndGeometry.length = 0;
                renderableComponentsTransparent.length = 0;
                renderableComponentsOverlay.length = 0;
                _scene.addEventListener('componentAdded', componentAdded);
                _scene.addEventListener('componentRemoved', componentRemoved);
                // add current components in scene
                componentsWithRender = _scene.findComponentsWithMethod("render");
                for (i = 0; i < componentsWithRender.length; i++) {

                // init shadowmap
                if (engine.config.shadows) {
                } else if (_renderShadow) {
                    _renderShadow = false; // disable render shadow
                    if (ASSERT) {
                        Util.fail("engine.config.shadows must be enabled for shadows");

             * Deregister component listener on scene
             * @method deactivated
            this.deactivated = function () {

             * @method renderScene
             * @param {kick.scene.SceneLights} sceneLightObj
            this.renderScene = function (sceneLightObj) {
                var i,
                if (!_enabled) {
                if (_renderShadow && sceneLightObj.directionalLight && sceneLightObj.directionalLight.shadow) {
                    glState.currentMaterial = null; // clear current material
                // setup render target
                if (_renderTarget) {

                if (renderableComponentsTransparent.length > 0) {
                renderSceneObjects(sceneLightObj, _replacementMaterial);

                if (_renderTarget) {
                if (_renderTarget && _renderTarget.colorTexture && _renderTarget.colorTexture.generateMipmaps) {
                    textureId = _renderTarget.colorTexture.textureId;
                    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureId);
                if (pickingObject) {
                    pickingObject.handlePickRequests(sceneLightObj, engineUniforms);
                thisObj.fireEvent("postRender", thisObj);

            Object.defineProperties(this, {
                 * Allows usage of replacement material on camera rendering
                 * Default value is null.
                 * @property replacementMaterial
                 * @type kick.material.Shader
                replacementMaterial: {
                    get: function () { return _replacementMaterial; },
                    set: function (newValue) { _replacementMaterial = newValue; }
                 * Default is true
                 * @property enabled
                 * @type Boolean
                enabled: {
                    get: function () { return _enabled; },
                    set: function (newValue) { _enabled = newValue; }
                 * Default false
                 * @property renderShadow
                 * @type Boolean
                renderShadow: {
                    get: function () { return _renderShadow; },
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (engine) { // if object is initialized
                            if (engine.config.shadows) {
                                _renderShadow = newValue;
                            } else if (newValue) {
                                if (ASSERT) {
                                    Util.fail("engine.config.shadows must be enabled for shadows");
                        } else {
                            _renderShadow = newValue;
                 * Camera renders only objects where the components layer exist in the layer mask. <br>
                 * @property layerMask
                 * @type Number
                layerMask: {
                    get: function () { return _layerMask; },
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            if (!isNumber(newValue)) {
                                Util.fail("Camera.layerMask should be a number");
                        _layerMask = newValue;
                 * Set the render target of the camera. Null means screen framebuffer.<br>
                 * @property renderTarget
                 * @type kick.texture.RenderTexture
                renderTarget: {
                    get: function () { return _renderTarget; },
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            if (newValue !== null && !(newValue instanceof RenderTexture)) {
                                Util.fail("Camera.renderTarget should be null or a kick.texture.RenderTexture");
                        _renderTarget = newValue;
                 * Set the field of view Y in degrees<br>
                 * Only used when perspective camera type. Default 60.0.
                 * Must be between 1 and 179
                 * @property fieldOfView
                 * @type Number
                fieldOfView: {
                    get: function () { return _fieldOfView * Constants._RADIAN_TO_DEGREE; },
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "fieldOfView");
                        _fieldOfView = Math.min(179, Math.max(newValue, 1)) * Constants._DEGREE_TO_RADIAN;
                 * Set the near clipping plane of the view volume<br>
                 * Used in both perspective and orthogonale camera.<br>
                 * Default 0.1
                 * @property near
                 * @type Number
                near: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _near;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "near");
                        _near = newValue;
                 * Set the far clipping plane of the view volume<br>
                 * Used in both perspective and orthogonale camera.<br>
                 * Default 1000.0
                 * @property far
                 * @type Number
                far: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _far;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "far");
                        _far = newValue;
                 * True means camera is perspective projection, false means orthogonale projection<br>
                 * Default true
                 * @property perspective
                 * @type Boolean
                perspective: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _perspective;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            if (!isBoolean(newValue)) {
                                Util.fail("Camera.perspective must be a boolean");
                        _perspective = newValue;
                 * Only used for orthogonal camera type (!cameraTypePerspective). Default -1
                 * @property left
                 * @type Number
                left: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _left;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "left");
                        _left = newValue;
                 * Only used for orthogonal camera type (!cameraTypePerspective). Default 1
                 * @property right
                 * @type Number
                right: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _right;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "right");
                        _right = newValue;
                 * Only used when orthogonal camera type (!cameraTypePerspective). Default -1
                 * @property bottom
                 * @type Number
                bottom: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _bottom;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "bottom");
                        _bottom = newValue;
                 * Only used when orthogonal camera type (!cameraTypePerspective). Default 1
                 * @property top
                 * @type Number
                top: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _top;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "top");
                        _top = newValue;
                 * The sorting order when multiple cameras exists in the scene.<br>
                 * Cameras with lowest number is rendered first.
                 * @property cameraIndex
                 * @type Number
                 * @default 1
                cameraIndex: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _cameraIndex;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            assertNumber(newValue, "cameraIndex");
                        _cameraIndex = newValue;
                 * Only used when orthogonal camera type (!cameraTypePerspective). Default [0,0,0,1]
                 * @property clearColor
                 * @type kick.math.Vec4
                clearColor: {
                    get: function () {
                        return Vec4.clone(_clearColor);
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        _clearColor = Vec4.clone(newValue);
                 * Indicates if the camera should clear color buffer.<br>
                 * Default value is true
                 * @property clearFlagColor
                 * @type Boolean
                clearFlagColor: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _clearFlagColor;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        _clearFlagColor = newValue;
                 * Indicates if the camera should clear the depth buffer.<br>
                 * Default is true.
                 * @property clearFlagDepth
                 * @type Boolean
                clearFlagDepth: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _clearFlagDepth;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        _clearFlagDepth = newValue;
                 * Normalized viewport rect [xOffset,yOffset,xWidth,yHeight]<br>
                 * Default is [0,0,1,1]
                 * @property normalizedViewportRect
                 * @type Array_Number
                normalizedViewportRect: {
                    get: function () {
                        return _normalizedViewportRect;
                    set: function (newValue) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            if (newValue.length !== 4) {
                                Util.fail("Camera.normalizedViewportRect must be Float32Array of length 4");
                        Vec4.copy(_normalizedViewportRect, newValue);
                 * Viewport rect [xOffset,yOffset,xWidth,yHeight]
                 * @property viewportRect
                 * @type Array_Number
                viewportRect: {
                    get: function () {
                        var res = Vec4.clone(_normalizedViewportRect),
                            canvasDimension = engine.canvasDimension;
                        res[0] *= canvasDimension[0];
                        res[2] *= canvasDimension[0];
                        res[1] *= canvasDimension[1];
                        res[3] *= canvasDimension[1];
                        return res;
                    set: function (value) {
                        if (c._ASSERT) {
                            if (value.length !== 4) {
                                Util.fail("Camera.viewportRect must be Float32Array of length 4");
                        var res = Vec4.clone(value),
                            canvasDimension = engine.canvasDimension;
                        res[0] /= canvasDimension[0];
                        res[2] /= canvasDimension[0];
                        res[1] /= canvasDimension[1];
                        res[3] /= canvasDimension[1];
                        Vec4.copy(_normalizedViewportRect, res);
                 * Name of the component componentType = "camera".
                 * @example
                 *      var camera = gameObject.camera;
                 * @property componentType
                 * @type String
                 * @final
                componentType: {value:"camera"}

             * Destroy camera component
             * @method destroy
            this.destroy = function () {
                if (isContextListenerRegistered) {
                    isContextListenerRegistered = false;
                    engine.removeEventListener('contextLost', contextLost);
                    engine.removeEventListener('contextRestored', contextRestored);
                if (pickingObject) {
                    pickingObject = null;

             * Serialize object
             * @method toJSON
             * @return {Object} data object
            this.toJSON = function () {
                return {
                    type: "kick/scene/Camera",
                    uid: thisObj.uid || (engine ? engine.getUID(thisObj) : 0),
                    config: {
                        enabled: _enabled,
                        renderShadow: _renderShadow,
                        layerMask: _layerMask,
                        renderTarget: Util.getJSONReference(_renderTarget),
                        fieldOfView: _fieldOfView,
                        near: _near,
                        far: _far,
                        perspective: _perspective,
                        left: _left,
                        right: _right,
                        bottom: _bottom,
                        top: _top,
                        cameraIndex: _cameraIndex,
                        clearColor: Util.typedArrayToArray(_clearColor),
                        clearFlagColor: _clearFlagColor,
                        clearFlagDepth: _clearFlagDepth,
                        normalizedViewportRect: Util.typedArrayToArray(_normalizedViewportRect)

            Util.applyConfig(this, config);

         * Reset the camera clear flags
         * @method setupClearFlags
         * @param {Boolean} clearColor
         * @param {Boolean} clearDepth
        Camera.prototype.setupClearFlags = function (clearColor, clearDepth) {
            this.clearColor = clearColor;
            this.clearDepth = clearDepth;
            delete this._currentClearFlags;

        return Camera;