API Docs for: 0.5.5

File: kick/core/Constants.js

define(function () {
    "use strict";
     * This class contains references to WebGL constants.<br>
     * Constants will be replace with actual values to increase performance when the file is compile by the postprocessor.<br>
     * Note that I have intentionally named the WebGL constants with a prefix 'GL\_'. This allows use of normal WebGL
     * constants that will not be replaced by the preprocessor.
     * @class Constants
     * @namespace kick.core
    var constants = {};

    Object.defineProperties(constants, {
         * The current version of the library
         * @property _VERSION
         * @type String
         * @static
         * @final
        _VERSION: { value: "0.5.6", configurable: true, enumerable: true },

         * Allows usage of assertions in the code. The assertions will be set to false in the "compiled" code (this
         * will remove dead code in the minify-stage).<br>
         * Example usage:
         * @example
         *     var constants = kick.core.Constants;
         *     if (constants._ASSERT){
         *         if (!Number.isNumber(x)){
         *             kick.core.Util.fail("x should be a number");
         *         }
         *     }
         * @property _ASSERT_EDITOR
         * @type Boolean
         * @static
         * @final
        _ASSERT: { value: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
         * Allows usage of debugging in the script code. The flag can be set to false in the "compiled" code (this
         * will remove dead code in the minify-stage).<br>
         * Example usage:<br>
         * @example
         *     var constants = kick.core.Constants;
         *     if (constants._DEBUG){
         *         console.log("X is now "+x);
         *     }
         * </pre>
         * @property _DEBUG
         * @type Boolean
         * @static
         * @final
        _DEBUG: { value: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
         * Value 0.01745329251994
         * @property _DEGREE_TO_RADIAN
         * @type Number
         * @static
         * @final
        _DEGREE_TO_RADIAN : { value: 0.01745329251994, enumerable: true},
         * Value 57.2957795130824
         * @property _RADIAN_TO_DEGREE
         * @type Number
         * @static
         * @final
        _RADIAN_TO_DEGREE : {value: 57.2957795130824, enumerable: true},
         * Value 0.00001
         * @property _EPSILON
         * @type Number
         * @static
         * @final
        _EPSILON : {value: 0.00001, enumerable: true},

        // ---- autogenerated from expose_webgl_constants
        * Value 256
        * @property GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT: { value: 256, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1024
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT: { value: 1024, enumerable: true},
        * Value 16384
        * @property GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT: { value: 16384, enumerable: true},
        * Value 0
        * @property GL_POINTS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_POINTS: { value: 0, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1
        * @property GL_LINES
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_LINES: { value: 1, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2
        * @property GL_LINE_LOOP
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_LINE_LOOP: { value: 2, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3
        * @property GL_LINE_STRIP
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_LINE_STRIP: { value: 3, enumerable: true},
        * Value 4
        * @property GL_TRIANGLES
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_TRIANGLES: { value: 4, enumerable: true},
        * Value 5
        * @property GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: { value: 5, enumerable: true},
        * Value 6
        * @property GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: { value: 6, enumerable: true},
        * Value 0
        * @property GL_ZERO
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ZERO: { value: 0, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1
        * @property GL_ONE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE: { value: 1, enumerable: true},
        * Value 768
        * @property GL_SRC_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SRC_COLOR: { value: 768, enumerable: true},
        * Value 769
        * @property GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: { value: 769, enumerable: true},
        * Value 770
        * @property GL_SRC_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SRC_ALPHA: { value: 770, enumerable: true},
        * Value 771
        * @property GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: { value: 771, enumerable: true},
        * Value 772
        * @property GL_DST_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DST_ALPHA: { value: 772, enumerable: true},
        * Value 773
        * @property GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: { value: 773, enumerable: true},
        * Value 774
        * @property GL_DST_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DST_COLOR: { value: 774, enumerable: true},
        * Value 775
        * @property GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: { value: 775, enumerable: true},
        * Value 776
        * @property GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: { value: 776, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32774
        * @property GL_FUNC_ADD
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FUNC_ADD: { value: 32774, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32777
        * @property GL_BLEND_EQUATION
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_EQUATION: { value: 32777, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32777
        * @property GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: { value: 32777, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34877
        * @property GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: { value: 34877, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32778
        * @property GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT: { value: 32778, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32779
        * @property GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT: { value: 32779, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32968
        * @property GL_BLEND_DST_RGB
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_DST_RGB: { value: 32968, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32969
        * @property GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB: { value: 32969, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32970
        * @property GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA: { value: 32970, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32971
        * @property GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: { value: 32971, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32769
        * @property GL_CONSTANT_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CONSTANT_COLOR: { value: 32769, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32770
        * @property GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: { value: 32770, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32771
        * @property GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA: { value: 32771, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32772
        * @property GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: { value: 32772, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32773
        * @property GL_BLEND_COLOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND_COLOR: { value: 32773, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34962
        * @property GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: { value: 34962, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34963
        * @property GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: { value: 34963, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34964
        * @property GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: { value: 34964, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34965
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: { value: 34965, enumerable: true},
        * Value 35040
        * @property GL_STREAM_DRAW
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STREAM_DRAW: { value: 35040, enumerable: true},
        * Value 35044
        * @property GL_STATIC_DRAW
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STATIC_DRAW: { value: 35044, enumerable: true},
        * Value 35048
        * @property GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW: { value: 35048, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34660
        * @property GL_BUFFER_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BUFFER_SIZE: { value: 34660, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34661
        * @property GL_BUFFER_USAGE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BUFFER_USAGE: { value: 34661, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34342
        * @property GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB: { value: 34342, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1028
        * @property GL_FRONT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRONT: { value: 1028, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1029
        * @property GL_BACK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BACK: { value: 1029, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1032
        * @property GL_FRONT_AND_BACK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: { value: 1032, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3553
        * @property GL_TEXTURE_2D
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_TEXTURE_2D: { value: 3553, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2884
        * @property GL_CULL_FACE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CULL_FACE: { value: 2884, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3042
        * @property GL_BLEND
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLEND: { value: 3042, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3024
        * @property GL_DITHER
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DITHER: { value: 3024, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2960
        * @property GL_STENCIL_TEST
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_TEST: { value: 2960, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2929
        * @property GL_DEPTH_TEST
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_TEST: { value: 2929, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3089
        * @property GL_SCISSOR_TEST
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SCISSOR_TEST: { value: 3089, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32823
        * @property GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: { value: 32823, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32926
        * @property GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: { value: 32926, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32928
        * @property GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE: { value: 32928, enumerable: true},
        * Value 0
        * @property GL_NO_ERROR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_NO_ERROR: { value: 0, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1280
        * @property GL_INVALID_ENUM
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_INVALID_ENUM: { value: 1280, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1281
        * @property GL_INVALID_VALUE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_INVALID_VALUE: { value: 1281, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1282
        * @property GL_INVALID_OPERATION
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_INVALID_OPERATION: { value: 1282, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1285
        * @property GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: { value: 1285, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2304
        * @property GL_CW
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CW: { value: 2304, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2305
        * @property GL_CCW
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CCW: { value: 2305, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2849
        * @property GL_LINE_WIDTH
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_LINE_WIDTH: { value: 2849, enumerable: true},
        * Value 33901
        * @property GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE: { value: 33901, enumerable: true},
        * Value 33902
        * @property GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE: { value: 33902, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2885
        * @property GL_CULL_FACE_MODE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_CULL_FACE_MODE: { value: 2885, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2886
        * @property GL_FRONT_FACE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRONT_FACE: { value: 2886, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2928
        * @property GL_DEPTH_RANGE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_RANGE: { value: 2928, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2930
        * @property GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK: { value: 2930, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2931
        * @property GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: { value: 2931, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2932
        * @property GL_DEPTH_FUNC
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_FUNC: { value: 2932, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2961
        * @property GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: { value: 2961, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2962
        * @property GL_STENCIL_FUNC
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_FUNC: { value: 2962, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2964
        * @property GL_STENCIL_FAIL
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_FAIL: { value: 2964, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2965
        * @property GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: { value: 2965, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2966
        * @property GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: { value: 2966, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2967
        * @property GL_STENCIL_REF
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_REF: { value: 2967, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2963
        * @property GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: { value: 2963, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2968
        * @property GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK: { value: 2968, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34816
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC: { value: 34816, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34817
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL: { value: 34817, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34818
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: { value: 34818, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34819
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: { value: 34819, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36003
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF: { value: 36003, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36004
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: { value: 36004, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36005
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK: { value: 36005, enumerable: true},
        * Value 2978
        * @property GL_VIEWPORT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_VIEWPORT: { value: 2978, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3088
        * @property GL_SCISSOR_BOX
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SCISSOR_BOX: { value: 3088, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3106
        * @property GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: { value: 3106, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3107
        * @property GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK: { value: 3107, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3317
        * @property GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: { value: 3317, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3333
        * @property GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: { value: 3333, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3379
        * @property GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: { value: 3379, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3386
        * @property GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: { value: 3386, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3408
        * @property GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS: { value: 3408, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3410
        * @property GL_RED_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RED_BITS: { value: 3410, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3411
        * @property GL_GREEN_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_GREEN_BITS: { value: 3411, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3412
        * @property GL_BLUE_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BLUE_BITS: { value: 3412, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3413
        * @property GL_ALPHA_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_ALPHA_BITS: { value: 3413, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3414
        * @property GL_DEPTH_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_BITS: { value: 3414, enumerable: true},
        * Value 3415
        * @property GL_STENCIL_BITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_BITS: { value: 3415, enumerable: true},
        * Value 10752
        * @property GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS: { value: 10752, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32824
        * @property GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR: { value: 32824, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32873
        * @property GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: { value: 32873, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32936
        * @property GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: { value: 32936, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32937
        * @property GL_SAMPLES
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SAMPLES: { value: 32937, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32938
        * @property GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE: { value: 32938, enumerable: true},
        * Value 32939
        * @property GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: { value: 32939, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34467
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: { value: 34467, enumerable: true},
        * Value 4352
        * @property GL_DONT_CARE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DONT_CARE: { value: 4352, enumerable: true},
        * Value 4353
        * @property GL_FASTEST
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FASTEST: { value: 4353, enumerable: true},
        * Value 4354
        * @property GL_NICEST
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_NICEST: { value: 4354, enumerable: true},
        * Value 33170
        * @property GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT: { value: 33170, enumerable: true},
        * Value 5120
        * @property GL_BYTE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BYTE: { value: 5120, enumerable: true},
        * Value 5121
        * @property GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { value: 5121, enumerable: true},
        * Value 5122
        * @property GL_SHORT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_SHORT: { value: 5122, enumerable: true},
        * Value 5123
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 5124
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 5125
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 5126
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 6402
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        * Value 6406
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        * Value 6407
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        * Value 6408
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        * Value 6409
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        * Value 6410
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        * Value 32819
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        * Value 32820
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        * Value 33635
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        * Value 35632
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        * Value 35633
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        * Value 34921
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        * Value 36347
        * @type Number
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        * Value 36348
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        * Value 35661
        * @type Number
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        * Value 35660
        * @type Number
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        * Value 34930
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        * Value 36349
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        * Value 35663
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        * Value 35712
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        * Value 35714
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        * Value 35715
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        * Value 35717
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        * Value 35718
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        * Value 35721
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        * Value 35724
        * @type Number
        * @static
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        * Value 35725
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 512
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 513
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        * Value 514
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        * Value 515
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        * Value 516
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        * @type Number
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        * Value 517
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        * Value 518
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        * Value 519
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        * Value 7680
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        * Value 7681
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        * Value 7682
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        * Value 7683
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        * Value 5386
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        * Value 34055
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        * Value 34056
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        * Value 7936
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        * Value 7937
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        * Value 7938
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        * Value 9728
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        * Value 9729
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        * Value 9984
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        * Value 9985
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        * Value 9986
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        * Value 9987
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        * Value 10240
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        * Value 10241
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        * Value 10242
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        * Value 10243
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        * Value 5890
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        * Value 34067
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        * Value 34068
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        * Value 34069
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        * Value 34070
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        * Value 34071
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        * Value 34072
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        * Value 34073
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        * Value 34074
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        * Value 34076
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        * Value 33984
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        * Value 33985
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        * Value 33986
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        * Value 33987
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        * Value 33988
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        * Value 33989
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        * Value 33990
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        * Value 33991
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        * Value 33992
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        * Value 33993
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        * Value 33994
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        * Value 33995
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        * Value 33996
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        * Value 33997
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        * Value 33998
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        * Value 33999
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        * Value 34000
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        * Value 34001
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        * Value 34002
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        * Value 34003
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        * Value 34004
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        * Value 34005
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        * Value 34006
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        * Value 34007
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        * Value 34008
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        * Value 34009
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        * Value 34010
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        * Value 34011
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        * Value 34012
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        * Value 34013
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        * Value 34014
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        * Value 34015
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        * Value 34016
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        * Value 35666
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        * Value 35668
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        * Value 35669
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        * Value 35672
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        * Value 35673
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        * Value 35674
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        * Value 35675
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        * Value 35676
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        * Value 35678
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        * Value 34341
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        * @static
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        * Value 34975
        * @type Number
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        * Value 35713
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        * Value 36336
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        * Value 36337
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        * @final
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        * Value 36338
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        * @final
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        * Value 36339
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        * Value 36340
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        * Value 36341
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        * Value 36160
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        * Value 36161
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        * Value 32854
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        * Value 32855
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_RGB5_A1: { value: 32855, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36194
        * @property GL_RGB565
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RGB565: { value: 36194, enumerable: true},
        * Value 33189
        * @property GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: { value: 33189, enumerable: true},
        * Value 6401
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        * Value 36168
        * @property GL_STENCIL_INDEX8
        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_STENCIL_INDEX8: { value: 36168, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34041
        * @property GL_DEPTH_STENCIL
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_STENCIL: { value: 34041, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36162
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH
        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH: { value: 36162, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36163
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT: { value: 36163, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36164
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT: { value: 36164, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36176
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE: { value: 36176, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36177
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE: { value: 36177, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36178
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE: { value: 36178, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36179
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE: { value: 36179, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36180
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE: { value: 36180, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36181
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE: { value: 36181, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36048
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE: { value: 36048, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36049
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME: { value: 36049, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36050
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL: { value: 36050, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36051
        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE: { value: 36051, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36096
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: { value: 36096, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36128
        * @property GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: { value: 36128, enumerable: true},
        * Value 33306
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: { value: 33306, enumerable: true},
        * Value 0
        * @property GL_NONE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_NONE: { value: 0, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36053
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        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: { value: 36053, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36054
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: { value: 36054, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36055
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: { value: 36055, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36057
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS: { value: 36057, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36061
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: { value: 36061, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36006
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        * Value 36007
        * @property GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING: { value: 36007, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34024
        * @property GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: { value: 34024, enumerable: true},
        * Value 1286
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: { value: 1286, enumerable: true},
        * Value 37440
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        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL: { value: 37440, enumerable: true},
        * Value 37441
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL: { value: 37441, enumerable: true},
        * Value 37442
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        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: { value: 37442, enumerable: true},
        * Value 37443
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL: { value: 37443, enumerable: true},
        * Value 37444
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        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL: { value: 37444, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34042
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        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL: { value: 34042, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34046
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: { value: 34046, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34047
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: { value: 34047, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34229
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        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES: { value: 34229, enumerable: true},
        * Value 35723
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_OES: { value: 35723, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36193
        * @property GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES: { value: 36193, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36064
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        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: { value: 36064, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36065
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1: { value: 36065, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36066
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2: { value: 36066, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36067
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3: { value: 36067, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36068
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4: { value: 36068, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36069
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5
        * @type Number
        * @static
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        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5: { value: 36069, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36070
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6: { value: 36070, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36071
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7: { value: 36071, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36072
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8: { value: 36072, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36073
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9: { value: 36073, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36074
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10: { value: 36074, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36075
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11: { value: 36075, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36076
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12: { value: 36076, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36077
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13: { value: 36077, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36078
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14: { value: 36078, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36079
        * @property GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15: { value: 36079, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34853
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER0
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER0: { value: 34853, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34854
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER1
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER1: { value: 34854, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34855
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER2
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER2: { value: 34855, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34856
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER3
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER3: { value: 34856, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34857
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER4
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER4: { value: 34857, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34858
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER5
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER5: { value: 34858, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34859
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER6
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER6: { value: 34859, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34860
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER7
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER7: { value: 34860, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34861
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER8
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER8: { value: 34861, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34862
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER9
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER9: { value: 34862, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34863
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER10
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER10: { value: 34863, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34864
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER11
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER11: { value: 34864, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34865
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER12
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER12: { value: 34865, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34866
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER13
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER13: { value: 34866, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34867
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER14
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER14: { value: 34867, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34868
        * @property GL_DRAW_BUFFER15
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER15: { value: 34868, enumerable: true},
        * Value 36063
        * @property GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS: { value: 36063, enumerable: true},
        * Value 34852
        * @property GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS
        * @type Number
        * @static
        * @final
        GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: { value: 34852, enumerable: true}

    return constants;